Shaggy Parasol (Chlorophyllum rhacodes)
A large, stocky mushroom with a convex cap when mature. The cap’s surface has raised brown scales, giving it a shaggy look, further enhanced by the shaggy edge to the rim. The caps range from 5–15cm across and the mushroom can achieve an overall height of 20cm. The Cap is egg-shaped and chestnut-brown at first, then opens, becoming convex with the outer skin breaking up into shaggy brown scales on a cream background. Its Gills/spores underneath the cap are soft, free, crowded and creamy-white, bruising red, which turns a pale tan colour as it matures. The stalk is white to pale pink/brown, very bulbous at the base and has a double ring that can become detached and be moved up and down the stem. They are quite widespread on the Barff and can be seen from July to the end of October.