The Garden

An amazing retreat. Througout the year it is quite remarkable how the garden changes with the seasons. The cold winter months the garden can can be quite stark, black and white, The arrival of Spring brings the early flowering snowdrops, daffodils and tulips, then the Bluebells around Easter time. Mid Summer seems to arrive in next to no time and the garden becomes high maintenance, grass cutting, weeding,watering, working in the pond, all takes time, but the garden is in full colour, the shapes and smells of the flowers attract all kinds of wildlife. As the nights start to pull in, the temperature begins to fall and the plants start to prepare themselves for the onset of the colder winter months. Grass cutting slows down, winter pruning starts. The Autumn months and the garden takes on another colour scheme with the leaves turning beautiful colours of golden, yellow and brown, before they fall to the floor.  Lots of work required in the ponds during October and November, cleaning out all the autumn debris that gets blown around the garden and ends up in the bottom of the ponds. Pond filters to clean and prepare for the winter, pumps to clean and service. Come the end of November and the grass needs cutting only once a week, depending on the air and ground temperatures. Still quite a bit of tidying up to do, removing dead branches and raking up and composting all the dead leaves. 

The Garden Home
The Garden in Winter
The Koi Pond
The Garden May 2020