Siberian Tigers
The Siberian Tiger or Amur Tiger once lived across a large area of northern China, the Korean Peninsula and the Southern most regions of Eastern Russia. Unfortunately by the 1940's the tiger had been virtually hunted to extinction with only 40 individuals remaining in the wild.
Russia became the first Country to save this sub spieces and granted it full tiger protection, as a result by the early 1980's the Amur Tiger numbers had increased to around 500. Sadly, on the collapse of the Soviet Union, poaching increased.
Today, thanks to anti poaching efforts and conservation methods by many organisations the population is reletavely stable at around 540. The Amur tiger's habitat is now restricted to the Sikhote - Alin range in the Primorski and Khabarovsk provinces of Russia's far eastern boundries, with small pockets in the border areas of China and North Korea.